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Florisatus Fine BooksPlein 19 C
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Impressive anatomical atlas usung the Eustachius grid system
Impetus primi anatomici ex lustratis cadaveribus nati, quos propria manu consignavit.
Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden], sumptibus auctoris, apud Petrum Vander Aa, 1721. Large folio (550 x 410 mm). [VI], 28 p.
With engraved printer's device, one large engraved end piece and 6 engraved anatomical plates (425x265 mm).
Mid 20th century half vellum with spiral marbled paper on the boards.
Arent Cant (1695-1723) was a pupil of Frederik Ruysch. He was a skilled anatomist and artist and had the ambitious plan to publish a great anatomical work with Jan Wandelaar, which was prevented by his premature death at the age of 28. This is the only volume of Cant's projected anatomy, which he dedicated to H. Boerhaave. The six large folding plates, drawn by the author, illustrate the anatomy of the head, heart, stomach, shoulder and knee joints, thoracic duct, etc. Cant was one of the few early anatomists to make use of the "grid-reference" identification system devised by Eustachi, in which anatomical structures are located by means of numbered borders like on maps at the left side and on top of each plate; this method allows the anatomist to illustrate his figures without superimposed lettering or numbering, by referring to the coordinates. He explains the use and offers a tool to facilate finding the coordinates in his Monitum.
-Literature: STCN 2 copies (UB Amsterdam, BL); Hirsch I, 819/20; Wellcome II, 296; Blake 77; BMN I, 98; Roberts & Tomlinson, The Fabric of the Body, 191; Choulant-Frank, p. 278; Lindeboom, Dutch Medical Biography, 325.
-Condition: Title page quite stained; Some staining in the other begin leaves, plates clean; Almost unnoticable pinhole worm through all the plates; 2 marginal repairs in one plate; Small waterstain in corner lower front margin; An impressive large paper copy.
With engraved printer's device, one large engraved end piece and 6 engraved anatomical plates (425x265 mm).
Mid 20th century half vellum with spiral marbled paper on the boards.
Arent Cant (1695-1723) was a pupil of Frederik Ruysch. He was a skilled anatomist and artist and had the ambitious plan to publish a great anatomical work with Jan Wandelaar, which was prevented by his premature death at the age of 28. This is the only volume of Cant's projected anatomy, which he dedicated to H. Boerhaave. The six large folding plates, drawn by the author, illustrate the anatomy of the head, heart, stomach, shoulder and knee joints, thoracic duct, etc. Cant was one of the few early anatomists to make use of the "grid-reference" identification system devised by Eustachi, in which anatomical structures are located by means of numbered borders like on maps at the left side and on top of each plate; this method allows the anatomist to illustrate his figures without superimposed lettering or numbering, by referring to the coordinates. He explains the use and offers a tool to facilate finding the coordinates in his Monitum.
-Literature: STCN 2 copies (UB Amsterdam, BL); Hirsch I, 819/20; Wellcome II, 296; Blake 77; BMN I, 98; Roberts & Tomlinson, The Fabric of the Body, 191; Choulant-Frank, p. 278; Lindeboom, Dutch Medical Biography, 325.
-Condition: Title page quite stained; Some staining in the other begin leaves, plates clean; Almost unnoticable pinhole worm through all the plates; 2 marginal repairs in one plate; Small waterstain in corner lower front margin; An impressive large paper copy.
€ 3.750
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