Antiquarenbeurs Mechelen
Antiquariaat Fokas HolthuisDaal en Bergselaan 78
2565 AG Den Haag
+31 (0)70 346 6020 +31 (0)70 346 6020Website
De pollutionibus diurnis
De cognitione castitatis et de pollutionibus diurnis. Forma absolutionis sacramentalis.
[Cologne, Printer of Dares (Johannes Solidi (Schilling)), about 1472]. Recently bound in an original handwritten vellum leaf dating from the earlier fifteenth century (containing a fragment of the commentary by the Venerable Beda on the Gospel of St. Luke, chapter XIX, with some lines of music). 16 leaves (complete). Latin text. Rubricated and with some decorative. Several marginal reader's remarks plus a drawing of a cross.
'On the knowledge of chastity and pollutions in the daytime. The form of sacramental absolution'. A short essay, written about 1412, about chastity and involuntary discharge of semen during the day (as opposed to pollutions in sleep, about which Gerson wrote another essay). ?A priest who goes to a parishioner on horseback may become excited by the ride and thus come to emission. According to Gerson, this is not a mortal sin, as long as he does not focus on sexual pleasure.?
€ 11.500
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